

2.親水性佳:使用蔬菜乳化劑(如 聚山梨酯20)
純度高:天然精油和植物油、植 物萃取物、水、氯鹽鈉
不含化學成份及防腐劑:少量添 加劑(如食品著色劑,抗氧化劑 的維生素E,二氧化矽)

 The Natural Herbal SPA Aromatherapy made in Germany:

1.Natural fragrance
Formulated for hydrotherapy, hydrophilic
Refined and mild
100% essential oils
Rree from alcohol, HALAL certification


德國藍甘菊 Chamomile

甘菊保養肌膚的最高聖品,摩雅經典甘菊泡澡精油,可舒解酷日、強風及預防污濁空氣對皮膚過敏的侵害。改善皮膚炎、感染 性傷口、潰瘍、濕疹,消化不 良,十二指腸潰瘍、少經、經痛。 

Camomile is the very best herbal product for human skin, Moya's camomile essence oil has an special extract , to protect sensitive and heavily burden skins.It is harm- free from irritating sun、strong wind and air pollution. Protects, cleans and disinfects skin and relieves skin allergies.


薰衣草 Lavender

薰衣草具獨特濃烈的草本芳香,令人興奮著迷,使人清爽提神。泡浴使用讓您充分享受放鬆、愉快和平衡的快感。改善神經系統功能 紊亂、失眠、睡眠困難、焦慮不 安感染性皮膚炎、過敏、傷口疤 痕、發癢抽筋、胃灼熱感、心跳 過速、靜脈炎、血栓。 

Lavender has an unique and strong herbal fragrance, helps feeling exciting and fascinating.A tub-bath is commended for Lavender bath, it enables you to get relaxed, feeling joy and balance, it also eases your tension for a comfortable sleep. Lavender is so highly recommended in many herbal theories.Calms, improves sleep quality, normalizes blood pressure and improves digestion.


迷迭香 Rosemary

迷迭香精油,羅馬人把它當作提振活力的象徵。早晨使用迷迭香精油沐浴,能復甦人體機能系統,迎接一日的繁重工作,逐量增加水溫,可發揮最好的作用。提神、強化記憶力、頭痛、神經痛精神疲憊血循不良、靜脈曲張、月經期水腫, 橘皮組織風濕、肌肉痛、僵硬

Rosemary is an energetic symbol for Europeans, it helps relieving sorrow. A quote from Mr. Gerad -An herbalist in the 16th century : "Rosemary helps feeling joy, and improves losing memories".A Rosemary bath in the morning, will awaken physical functions, to be ready for another hard-working day ahead. For the best result , a slightly higher water temperature is recommended. Improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, relieves migraines & lethargy.


赤松針 Pine Needle

赤松針精油,令人著迷的森林自然芳香、芬多精融入 SPA 之樂,讓您在疲憊消沉時,重享愉悅之感。不但可提振您的精神,使肌膚感覺更柔細。改善虛弱無力、睪丸機能 不彰、糖尿病支氣管炎、鼻竇 炎、氣喘,關節炎、風濕性關節炎。

What a fascinating combinations of natural aroma and Spa, it eases sore muscles, it's energetic, and it helps relaxing, sleeping .And it makes the feeling of a tender skin afterward. Soothes bone aches, aids slimming, improves neuralgia.


杜松 Juniper


Juniper is a legend herbal plant, it is used to web "the magic crown" by the Roman, using juniper is believed for chasing the evil spirits away. In ritual ceremonies, juniper is burnt to purify the holy places.After energy-exhausted sports such as Track & Field, a juniper bath is recommended.It helps relieving stiff or sore muscles,and it is free from bacteria contagions.Reduces swelling, gout and muscle aches.


茂草花 Hayseed


Hayseed gives a re-energetic feeling, a hayseed bath is recommended.After a hard-working day from a stuffy office or factory. It eases your tiredness, and you will be ready for an evening romantic date again.A little higher water temperature will help relaxing, and relieving sore muscles. Soothes arthritis and lubricates joints


尤加利 Eucalyptus

尤加利樹含豐富桉藥油能防止並減少黏膜炎的不適,當疲憊消沈時享受泡浴,可讓您充分體驗全身潔淨舒爽、輕鬆重享愉悅的快感。預防及改善流行性感冒、支氣管炎、咳嗽、衰弱、畏寒,結膜炎、虹膜睫狀體炎、粉刺、面皰 ,耳炎,子宮內膜異位、陰道發炎

Eucalyptus contains rich cineol, it could relief the uncomfortable of throat .A tub-bath is recommended after exhaustion from hard work, it also eases your stress and you will experience a cleansing、comfort and fragrance feeling all over your body. Soothes cold & flu, respiratory problems and promotes healing of wounds. 











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